Managing Our Water Responsibly, Keeping our Valley Green:
Prioritize Maintenance, Conservation, and Storage Projects for the District
Provide More and Consistent Communication from MRGCD Board to Irrigators and Land Owners
Protect and Improve Recreational Opportunities Provided by Acequia System
Improve Water Delivery/Irrigation Policies and Management
Provide Responsible Fiscal Management to MRGCD Budgets and Expenditures
Will Not Raise Ad Valorem Mill Rates for Property Owners
Julia Maccini and Scooter Haynes
For Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District Board
Bernalillo County Positions 3 and 4
Voting Locations
***Locations in RED are early voting locations​
For more information on the election, click HERE

Julia Maccini
Bernalillo County Position 3
Born and raised in the North Valley in Los Ranchos
Grew up with an irrigated backyard vegetable garden
Practiced law in Albuquerque for several years, now works in family construction, real estate and farming businesses, including farming forage crops and alfalfa
Serves on the Water Protection Advisory Board for the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area
Julia is passionate about water issues facing New Mexico, especially the impact to families reliant on irrigation for their farms
Scooter Haynes
Bernalillo County Position 4
5th Generation New Mexican, Grew up in the North Valley
Showed Steers in 4-H
Degrees in Agriculture and Business from NMSU
Operates a family-owned real estate and construction business
Irrigates and farms in the North Valley, including City of Albuquerque Open Space farms
Has a true entrepreneurial spirit

Created by RSG.